Since 2018, VergouwenMedia has been supporting both EU and non-EU businesses in their marketing efforts online.
Learn more below!
Our Services
Although having offered various services in the past like website localisation, website/web app development and graphic design, we decided to focus on solely SEO and content marketing due to the growing demand for specialized services in the marketplace.
Since 2020, we’ve also been delving into the development and growth of digital products, with our first online platform set to go live at the start of 2021 and various other’s in the pipeline. Please feel free to contact us regarding our product development if you’re interested in potentially purchasing an online business, or currently invest in digital assets.
Important information
VergouwenMedia.com is currently used as a portfolio site, highlighting our past, current and future projects. Due to operating as a one-man-band when you exclude the many freelancers and third-parties I work in, business proposals, besides those meant for Vergouwen Media directly (regarding product developement), should be sent to bramvergouwen.com (for anyone for any reason) or bramvergouwen.nl (only for messages in Dutch) respectivly.
The reason for moving away from the “agency-vibe” is mainly to make the experience more personal. When hiring SEO or content marketing support for your business, it’s generally preferred to work with a person directly. Should you have any questions, or be interested in support with your SEO or content marketing strategy or implementation, please visit the page below which is most appropriate to your situation:
– SEO consultant
– SEO manager
– Reputation recovery
– Digital marketing consultant
– SEO & content marketing for agencies